Hi👋 I'm Kelly Tills and I'm an author and parent. All of my books are positive, fun, and never preachy. Check out my silly science, award-winning animal books. And don't miss Meow Is Not a Cat, a wild story of a charming kiddo who thinks differently. Enjoy the giggles!
Awesome Animals
Paperback Bundle
Interactive, perfect for cuddles
24 pages of silly science
Full-color, paperback books
Articles, News & Events
Sep 22, 2023
Best Picture Books To Grow With Your Kids From Toddlers To Kindergarteners
Nov 15, 2022
San Francisco Design Firm and East Bay Author Team Up to Donate Books to Children International
Oct 6, 2022
Oakland Author Wins Prestigious Moonbeam Children’s Book Award
May 12, 2022
New Kirkus Review! Snakes Have No Legs, But They’re Slithering Straight Into Readers Hearts (And Funny Bones!)

About Me
I’m a storyteller with the biggest laugh in the room. These books come from the heart… and a gazillion hours of bedtime story experience.
As the creator of my own uniquely-shaped family, I’ve made a game of teaching my kids how to spot The Bad Old Ideas. Feminism, inclusion, and potty humor are my jam.
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Hey parents, are you...
tired of bad old ideas ruining a good story?
All you wanted was to enjoy some story time with your kids (um… and maybe get them to Go. To. Sleep.) when WHAM! here come the old tropes to ruin the mood.
So many stories about inclusion start off with bullying or exclusion. Other books come off as preachy, not fun. Still others perpetuate stereotypes in the name of being funny.
I started writing because I was tired of constantly getting stuck changing words or addressing these out-dated ideas on the fly.
How about we just skip the yucky stuff?
No bullying. No unkind words. No preaching.
Just oodles of giggles with your tiny human.